Research, Journalism, Film

Graphic Design

Graphic Design

Fundraising Campaign for Washington Immigrant Defense Network

Fundraising Campaign for Washington Immigrant Defense Network

Promotional Material for Watson Immigration Law

Promotional Material for Watson Immigration Law

Copy of Brexit got you down Invest in the US.png
News Update.png
Free Immigration FB Post.png
Facebook Campaign, “My Future Back”, Migrant Voice Fall 2018

Facebook Campaign, “My Future Back”, Migrant Voice Fall 2018

Hiring Flyers, Migrant Voice

Hiring Flyers, Migrant Voice

Work for Us!.png
TOIEC Visa cancelation Debate in Parliament September 4.jpg
Promotion for Changing Lenses Exhibition at The Guardian, London 2018

Promotion for Changing Lenses Exhibition at The Guardian, London 2018

Campaign Promtion

Campaign Promtion

East Bay.JPG

The East Bay Sanctuary Covenant provides free and reduced cost legal services to indiduals in the East Bay, and also engages in outreach projects in Haiti and throughout Latin America.
